




The cost of your student housing accommodation is charged to your student account at the beginning of each semester.  We encourage students to contact the Business Office to set up a payment plan if they are not able to pay the entire amount at the beginning of the semester.  所有公用设施(电、水、垃圾等).)已包括在公布的成本内, but don’t forget that you also must pay tuition 和 fees as a student.  和他们谈谈 金融援助 如果你需要经济援助,请联系办公室.


KCKCC非常重视安全. Building doors are locked 24/7 和 students must use their identification card to enter the building. Resident assistants 和/or professional staff members are available 24/7. 入口处有监控摄像头, 出口, 和 throughout public spaces in the building KCKCC Police patrols campus, 包括百年纪念堂. To ensure health of students those living on campus are required to submit documentation of vaccinations for MMR, 破伤风和脑膜炎.

网赌平台 are responsible for reading 和 following policies within the K长江书院网赌平台手册行为准则居住生活手册.

在这里了解更多博彩平台KCKCC的安全信息: http://gis.aangny.com/about/safety/

KCKCC 和 网赌平台住房 strive to meet the needs of all students. If you need assistance with an accessibility need (mobility, hearing, medical, etc.),请与 网赌平台无障碍和支持服务 办公室.  You will need to provide documentation of your need, as well as a description of the housing accommodation needed.

The hall also has ADA-compliant rooms available for those with a documented need.


An Emotional Support Animal (ESA) is an animal that provides personal comfort to an individual with a documented disability.  KCKCC 网赌平台住房 can arrange accommodations for ESAs; however, that accommodation does not extend to areas outside of your room assignment, including the common areas of the residence hall or any other part of the college.

网赌平台 who would like to request an accommodation for an ESA should contact the 网赌平台无障碍和支持服务 办公室.

房间通常按性别分配.  然而, gender inclusive housing is an option that allows students to room with other students regardless of their gender identity or gender expression. The intent of this living option is to provide a welcoming living environment for students of all genders. It also allows students who may be in the process of discovering their gender identity, who may not wish to identify themselves by any gender, 和/or students who feel more comfortable with a roommate of a different gender the option to find a more compatible roommate 和 living situation within the community.

网赌平台 who wish to live in a gender inclusive housing assignment can indicate that preference on their housing application.


是的!  We use a system called Roomeez to allow students to communicate with other students who have signed a contract to choose who they would like to be roommates with. 

Or, 如果你不想选择室友, you can move forward 和 choose from a list of available rooms, 和 you will be automatically assigned a roommate.

通常, there is a room freeze during the first few weeks after the start of classes each semester. This allows time for staff to identify those who applied but did not show up 和 to assign students who signed a contract late. 

Residents may request a room change after room freeze ends. 然而, you may not move to another space without 网赌平台住房 staff authorization. If you do, you will incur charges 和 may face disciplinary action.

Once your request to change rooms has been approved, you must check-in to the new room with a staff member.  You will then have 48 hours to complete your move, including moving all of your belongings 和 cleaning your old space.  You will then meet with a staff member to check out of your old space.  Failure to properly check out of your old space within 48 hours will result in you being charged for occupying BOTH spaces.

Renters insurance is not required; however, KCKCC’s insurance covers the facility only 和 KCKCC is not responsible for student personal property that is lost, 被盗或损坏.

Check to see if your family’s homeowner’s or renter’s insurance covers your belongings while you’re in student housing at KCKCC or consider purchasing a policy from a company that specializes in rental insurance. 

There are washers 和 dryers located in the lowest level of 纪念大厅

在一个典型的四居室公寓里, there is a twin size-bed (see your room assignment to determine if it is XL or regular-sized), 地下储物柜, 桌子上, 椅子, 客厅沙发, 咖啡桌, 娱乐站, 还有两张凳子.

我们不提供家庭住房.  网赌平台’ spouses 和/or children are not eligible to live in 纪念大厅.

Our contract is for an academic year (fall 和 spring semesters).  If space allows, we will offer a spring-only contract.

You can view the terms 和 conditions of the student housing contract here:



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